Tag: spring
How to use the Microsoft Graph API Java SDK (v6)
Updated:Learn how to interact with the Microsoft Graph API using Java and the latest MS Graph SDK, with practical examples.
How to retrieve OAuth 2.0 ID & Access Tokens in Spring Boot
Published:Learn how to access the OAuth 2.0 ID & Access Tokens stored in the Spring Boot Security Context, read their raw values and understand their contents and claims.
What is New in Java 21 (LTS), with Practical Examples
Updated:Discover all new features introduced in Java 21, including practical examples and code snippets for developers. Also includes notable features since Java 17.
Acquiring a Token for On Behalf Of Flow (MSAL4J)
Published:Learn how to obtain an OAuth 2.0 On Behalf Of Flow Access Token using the Microsoft Authentication Library for Java (msal4j).
Acquiring a Token for Client Credentials Flow (MSAL4J)
Published:Discover how you can fetch an OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials Flow Access Token using the Microsoft Authentication Library for Java (msal4j).
Creating Slim, Production-Ready Docker Images for Java Apps
Published:Containerize your Java applications by following the best practices described in this guide along with the most essential docker commands.