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How to Build an Angular Library (Including Assets & Styles)


Creating an Angular library involves packaging reusable components, services, assets and utilities that can be shared across different Angular applications. Angular provides tools and conventions to make this process straightforward. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to achieve this, including setting a custom scope and publishing the library.

Table of Contents

Setting up the Angular Development Environment

Ensure you have Node.js and npm installed. You’ll also need Angular CLI to create and manage your Angular projects. Read more here regarding versions to use. Once node and npm are installed, install the Angular CLI as follows.

npm install -g @angular/cli

Creating a New Angular Library

Next, we use the Angular CLI to generate a new workspace for our library, called my-scope. Of course, you can name it according to your needs. Navigate into the root directory and create a library under this workspace, called my-lib. The goal is to create a package called @my-scope/my-lib. More libraries can be created under the same workspace/scope using ng generate library.

ng new my-scope --no-create-application
cd my-scope
ng generate library my-lib

In order to customize the scope/name of the library, modify my-lib/package.json by changing the name property from my-lib to @my-scope/my-lib.

Developing the Library

At this point most of the scaffolding is complete. Proceed with adding components, modules, services and utilities to your library under projects/my-lib/src/lib/*. Do not forget to also update projects/my-lib/src/lib/public-api.ts in order to expose components to consumers.

Based on how advanced your use case is, you might need to make modifications to some tsconfig.json files.

Adding Assets and Static Files

Static assets can also be part of the library. Create a new assets folder in projects/my-lib/src/, inside of which you can add styles.css, logo.png, favicon.ico or whatever else you would like to share.

To expose those assets, add the following property to projects/my-lib/ng-package.json.

"assets": [

Exposing styles.css also requires adding a new property to projects/my-lib/package.json.

"exports": {
  "./assets/styles.css": "./assets/styles.css"

Building the Library

From either the root directory or the library directory run ng build my-lib to build my-lib. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/my-lib directory, located at the root. If you have multiple libraries under the same workspace/scope, simply run ng build my-other-lib from the root directory for each library. The builds are always located in dist subdirectories.

Using the Library Locally

The most convenient way to develop and test the library locally is to use the ng build --watch command, which will rebuild the library automatically in case of changes.

In your consumer project, simply point to the dist directory instead of using a version in your package.json.

"dependencies": {
  "@my-scope/my-lib": "/absolute/path/to/dist/my-lib"

Publishing the Library

After building your library with ng build my-lib, go to the dist folder dist/my-lib and run npm publish. You will need to be connected to a npm registry, or alternatively write this step as part of your release pipeline.