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Automate the creation of an App Registration using Azure CLI


In order to avoid error prone manual work when dealing with App Registrations in the Azure portal, it’s always prudent to use scripts instead of clicking through a bunch of screens dozens of times. This article will help you get started with the Azure CLI and even show you how to interact with the Microsoft Graph API.

Table of Contents

Creating and Modifying the App Registration

The first step is to create the app registration using the Azure CLI. Here we provide a name, as well as some redirect URIs that are used during interactive user login. In addition, we have created a file adjacent to the executing script called roles.json which contains the role definitions to be added upon creation. As an output of the script we extract the ID of the created app registration so that we can use it later on.

$appId = az ad app create `
  --display-name 'hello-world-app' `
  --web-redirect-uris http://localhost:8080/helloworld/login/oauth2/code/ `
  --app-roles '@roles.json' `
  --query appId `
  --output tsv

Roles defined in roles.json are of the following format. For the sake of this example we are creating an Admin and a Reader role. These will appear under the App roles blade in the Azure portal.

        "allowedMemberTypes": [
        "description": "Readers can access the application data",
        "displayName": "Reader",
        "isEnabled": "true",
        "value": "reader"
        "allowedMemberTypes": [
        "description": "Admins can modify the application data",
        "displayName": "Admin",
        "isEnabled": "true",
        "value": "admin"

After creating the app registration we can use the update command subgroup to perform any changes, such as the one below which will add the Application ID URI under the Expose an API blade

az ad app update `
  --id $appId `
  --identifier-uris "api://$appId"

Creating and Modifying the Enterprise Application

An Enterprise Application (Service Principal) represents the App Registration in Microsoft Entra ID. To create it and link it to the previously created App Registration we simply need to use the az ad sp create command as follows. We similarly store the ID for future use.

$spId = az ad sp create `
  --id $appId `
  --query id `
  --output tsv

Not all operations are supported through the Azure CLI. In this case we need to use the Microsoft Graph API REST endpoints. In the example below we are sending a PATCH request to the Service Principals resource to update the notes section.

az rest `
  --method PATCH `
  --url$spId `
  --headers "Content-Type=application/json" `
  --body "{'notes':'hello world added using patch'}"

Adding an Owner

To add an owner to the App Registration and to the Enterprise Application we need to get a reference to the owner’s object ID first.

$ownerId = az ad user show `
  --id "[email protected]" `
  --query id `
  --output tsv

For the App registration, we can simply use Azure CLI commands, but for the Enterprise Application we once again resort to the Graph API.

az ad app owner add `
 --id $appId `
 --owner-object-id $ownerId

az rest `
  --method POST `
  --url$spId/owners/`$ref `
  --headers "Content-Type=application/json" `
  --body "{'':'$ownerId'}"

Adding a Client Secret

Last but not least, we can add a client secret to the App Registration via Azure CLI.

az ad app credential reset `
 --id $appId `
 --display-name "client-secret" `
 --years 2

Immediately copy and store the generated client secret!

Complete Script


# Creating the App Registration with the given name
# See
$appId = az ad app create `
  --display-name 'hello-world-app' `
  --web-redirect-uris http://localhost:8080/helloworld/login/oauth2/code/ `
  --app-roles '@roles.json' `
  --query appId `
  --output tsv

# Adding the "Application ID URI" under "Expose an API" blade
# See
az ad app update `
  --id $appId `
  --identifier-uris "api://$appId"

# Creating the linked Enterprise Application (Service Principal)
# See
$spId = az ad sp create `
  --id $appId `
  --query id `
  --output tsv

# An example of modifying information of the Service Principal using the Graph API
# See
az rest `
  --method PATCH `
  --url$spId `
  --headers "Content-Type=application/json" `
  --body "{'notes':'hello world added using patch'}"

# To add an owner, we need to find the object Id first
# See
$ownerId = az ad user show `
  --id "[email protected]" `
  --query id `
  --output tsv

# Adding an owner to the App Registration
# See
az ad app owner add `
 --id $appId `
 --owner-object-id $ownerId

# Adding an owner to the Enterprise Application requires using the Graph API
# See
az rest `
  --method POST `
  --url$spId/owners/`$ref `
  --headers "Content-Type=application/json" `
  --body "{'':'$ownerId'}"

# Adding a Client Secret. Putting it last to remember to copy and save the output password!
# See
az ad app credential reset `
 --id $appId `
 --display-name "client-secret" `
 --years 2


        "allowedMemberTypes": [
        "description": "Readers can access the application data",
        "displayName": "Reader",
        "isEnabled": "true",
        "value": "reader"
        "allowedMemberTypes": [
        "description": "Admins can modify the application data",
        "displayName": "Admin",
        "isEnabled": "true",
        "value": "admin"